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Book Review - The Maple Murders (Riverdale #3) by Micol Ostow

Riverdale is clamoring with excitement over news that an old town tradition is suddenly being revived: the Riverdale Revels. The festival supposedly has a long history, dating back to the town's settlers' first successful maple tapping. But there's no record of the Revels anywhere. Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Jughead think there must be more to the story. And when a skeleton is uncovered in a 75-year-old time capsule on the first night of the festival, they know they're right. But a dead body in a maple barrel isn't the only drama surrounding the Revels. The Royal Maple pageant (open to all Riverdale teens) is in full swing, but "accidents" keep befalling the contestants, including the gang's friends. Someone is clearly trying to put an end to the Revels once and for all -- but who? And more importantly, why? Can Archie and his friends put a stop to the sabotage before someone puts a stop to them? This original novel features a story not seen on the show!

Has there ever been a more addictive TV show? Probably, but boy is Riverdale full of enough drama to keep you coming back. This book series is set outside the TV series and can be read independantly of them, however I think you gain more from knowing what has been happening in the TV show. You don't have to read the book to watch the show and I like that it is an original tale. I felt the connection between our protagonist's and their original comic book selves more keenly in this book, and I'm not sure if I like that or if I think it should stick to the 21st century versions created in the TV series. This story series is brilliant for teens and young adult readers, and also us oldies that love a good academy story. I give this book 4.5 stars out of 5.

Thank you Scholastic Australia for this copy in return for my honest and independent review.


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