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Write Even When You Don't Want To

I like to think that my tea gives me wisdom. Hopefully you all aren't just thinking it makes me a know-at-all!

But an hour spent writing, no matter how much you hate what you write, is always better than not writing at all. Because then you have something to edit, something to work off. Even if you delete 95% it's still a step closer than you were if you didn't do anything.

Now I'm not saying that you have to write every minute of every hour of every day, breaks are important for your health and your writing. I don't even believe that one should have to write every day, just most of them, if you want to be a success. But like any job, and writing is a job, you have to have days off, days away from technology, days outside, or days just hanging with your loved ones.

I'd just like remind you, but more so myself, that writing is a process. A step by step, standard operating procedure. There are no shortcuts. To get to the editing step, we have to have done the writing step first.

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